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Boardsport games

Boardsports are sports that are played with board or board-like equipment. Boardsports, like every other sport has a competitive scene and like basketball and soccer, it has its own video game fan base and audience. Few of the most popular boardsport video games are either skateboarding or snowboarding. Tony Hawk's skateboarding video game series are the most popular video games related to skateboarding. In those, players usually try to complete challenges and do hard tricks to score points. Scoring a set amount of score points allows players to proceed to the next levels in which players try to complete even more challenges. By completing challenges players earn currency which can be used to customize levels and skate boards. Similar to the skateboarding video games, snowboarding video games feature a score system too. By completing difficult challenges and avoiding obstacles, players earn points which can be used to customize the avatar players use. Other, less popular boardsports video games are related to water-based boardsports.


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