Darkest Dungeon: Trinkets

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Trinkets are items which you can equip your heroes with. You will get trinkets at the end of each mission and after slaying bosses. You also can buy these items at the Nomad Wagon. Heroes can carry only two trinkets and just one copy of each. There are universal and class-specified items. Trinkets cause both positive and negative effects so you should balance them wisely.

There are many items with different rarity and sell values:

  • 16 very common trinkets at a price of 750 gold.
  • 49 common trinkets at a price of 1125 gold.
  • 38 uncommon trinkets at a price of 1500 gold.
  • 29 rare trinkets at a price of 2250 gold.
  • 36 very rare trinkets at a price of 3750 or 2250 gold.
  • 14 ancestral trinkets at a price of 7500 gold.
  • 5 Shrieker trinkets at a price of 1 gold.

There are also 12 trophy trinkets which drop after fights with bosses and 1 trinket from the final dungeon. You cannot sell these artifacts.

Furthermore, you can claim special backer trinkets created as a bonus for supporters from the Kickstarter. These items also cost 1 gold and cannot be bound during the game. You should add them to your inventory manually entering their name. There are 2 trinkets for PS4 and VITA users which you will find in your inventory at the start. And that’s not all, if you receive the Musketeer during the game’s Kickstarter campaign, you will get trinkets for this class. Stats of this item pack are duplicates of the Arbalest’s ones.

We will not describe every trinket so far as you can easily find them during your game. Instead of this, let’s discover the most useful combos for each class and some unusual artifacts.

The best combinations of trinkets

We offer two combinations for every class. Most of them include valuable trinkets so choose your main classes and focus on gaining items for them.

  1. The Abomination.

Combo №1: Ancestor’s Pen and Feather Crystal. Pros: it adds DMG from melee attacks and CRIT from melee attacks, SPD and DODGE. Cons: it reduces resist to stuns and moves.

Combo №2: Berserk Charm and Restraining Padlock. Pros: it adds DMG, SPD. It reduces stress after transformation. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces ACC and chance of acquiring a virtue.

  1. The Antiquarian.

Combo №1: Ancestor’s Portrait and Candle of Life. Pros: it adds resolve XP, healing skills, and MAX HP. Cons: it adds stress.

Combo №2: Bloodcourse Medallion and Cleansing Crystal. Pros: it adds resistance to bleeding, blighting and debuffing, healing to this hero. Cons: it reduces blight, bleed and debuff skills.

  1. The Arbalest.

Combo №1: Ancestor’s Musket Ball and Wrathful Bandana. Pros: it adds ranged DMG and ranged CRIT, DMG at the slot 4, debuff skills. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces healing skills.

Combo №2: Bull’s Eye Bandana and Wrathful Bandana. Pros: it adds ACC and CRIT, DMG at the slot 4, debuff skills. Cons: it reduces healing skills and DODGE.

  1. The Bounty Hunter.

Combo №1: Ancestor’s Pen and Hunter’s Talon. Pros: it adds DMG from melee attacks and CRIT from melee attacks, ACC and CRIT. Cons: it adds stress and food consumption.

Combo №2: Hunter’s Talon and Wounding Helmet. Pros: it adds DMG from melee attacks, ACC and CRIT. Cons: it adds food consumption; it reduces stunning and moving skills.

  1. The Crusader.

Combo №1: Berserk Charm and Legendary Bracer. Pros: it adds DMG and SPD. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces ACC, SPD, and chance of acquiring a virtue.

Combo №2: Tough Ring and Berserk Charm. Pros: it adds DMG, SPD, PROT and MAX HP. Cons: it adds stress, it reduces DMG, ACC, and chance of acquiring a virtue.

  1. The Flagellant.

Combo №1: The Martyr’s Seal and Eternity’s Collar. Pros: it adds DMG and CRIT at Death’s Door, Death Blow resistance, MAX HP. Cons: none.

Combo №2: Heartburst Hood and Ancestor’s Pen. Pros: it adds SPD with HP below 40%, DMG from melee attacks and CRIT from melee attacks. Cons: it adds stress.

  1. The Grave Digger.

Combo №1: Raider’s Talisman and Lucky Talisman. Pros: it adds ACC to ranged attacks, DODGE, SPD, CRIT, a chance of disarming a trap and a chance of scouting. Cons: it adds stress and food consumption.

Combo №2: Feather Crystal and Raider’s Talisman. Pros: it adds DODGE, SPD, CRIT, a chance of disarming a trap and a chance of scouting. Cons: it adds food consumption; it reduces resistance to stuns and moves.

  1. The Hellion.

Combo №1: Ancestor’s Pen and Berserk Charm. Pros: it adds melee DMG and melee CRIT, SPD, and DMG. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces ACC and virtue chance.

Combo №2: Ancestor’s Pen and Legendary Bracer. Pros: it adds melee DMG and melee CRIT, DMG. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces SPD.

  1. The Highwayman.

Combo №1: Gunslinger’s Buckle and Berserk Charm. Pros: it adds ranged DMG and ranged ACC, SPD, and DMG. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces melee DMG and melee CRIT, ACC and virtue chance.

Combo №2: Gunslinger’s Buckle and Ancestor’s Musket Ball. Pros: it adds ranged DMG, ranged ACC, and ranged CRIT. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces melee DMG and melee CRIT.

  1. The Houndmaster.

Combo №1: Feather Crystal and Camouflage Cloak. Pros: it adds SPD and DODGE. Cons: it reduces resistance to stuns and moves.

Combo №2: Spiked Collar and Feather Crystal. Pros: it adds DMG, SPD, DODGE and bleeds skills. Cons: it reduces healing to this hero, resistance to stuns and moves.

  1. The Jester.

Combo №1: Feather Crystal and Camouflage Cloak. Pros: it adds SPD and DODGE. Cons: it reduces resistance to stuns and moves.

Combo №2: Feather Crystal and Ancestor’s Coat. Pros: it adds SPD and DODGE. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces resist to stuns and moves.

  1. The Leper.

Combo №1: Focus Ring or Fortunate Armlet and Tough Ring. Pros: it adds PROT, MAX HP, ACC, and CRIT. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces DMG and DODGE.

Combo №2: Focus Ring and Legendary Bracer. Pros: it adds DMG, ACC, and CRIT. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces DODGE and SPD.

  1. The Man-ar-Arms.

Combo №1: Camouflage Cloak and Feather Crystal. Pros: it adds SPD and DODGE. Cons: it reduces resistance to stuns and moves.

Combo №2: Guardian’s Shield and Feather Crystal. Pros: it adds PROT at the slot 4, healing to this hero at the slot 4, DODGE at the slot 4, SPD and DODGE. Cons: it reduces stun and moves resist.

  1. The Occultist.

Combo №1: Feather Crystal and Cleansing Crystal. Pros: it adds SPD, DODGE, blight, bleed and debuff resist. Cons: it reduces skills of bleeding, blighting and debuff, resistance to stuns and moves.

Combo №2: Camouflage Cloak and Cleansing Crystal. Pros: it adds DODGE, blight, bleed, and debuff resist. Cons: it reduces skills of bleeding, blighting and debuff, resistance to stuns and moves.

  1. The Plague Doctor.

Combo №1: Blasphemous Vial and Poisoned Herb. Pros: it adds ACC to ranged attacks, stun, and blight skills. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces MAX HP.

Combo №2: Blasphemous Vial and Feather Crystal. Pros: it adds ACC to ranged attacks, SPD and DODGE, stun and blight skills. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces resistance to stuns and moves.

  1. The Shieldbreaker.

Combo №1: Fanged Spear Tip and Legendary Bracer. Pros: it adds DMG against marked enemies, DMG. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces SPD.

Combo №2: Fanged Spear Tip and Focus Ring. It adds DMG against marked enemies, ACC and CRIT. Cons: it reduces DODGE.

  1. The Vestal.

Combo №1: Sacred Scroll and Tome of Holy Healing. Pros: it adds the skill of healing and reduces stress. Cons: it reduces MAX HP, SPD, DMG and skill of stunning.

Combo №2: Tough Ring and Haste Chalice. Pros: it adds SPD, PROT and MAX HP. Cons: it adds stress; it reduces DMG and stun skills.

We suggest using specific trinket sets which became available in the DLC. These sets consist of two items and give powerful bonuses. There are 17 sets for each class. You can use only one item from the set, but two parts give significantly better bonuses.

Enemy trinkets

You will find special trinkets dropped after defeating enemies or opening secret rooms. For example, Madman drops music boxes with 4% chance. Different boxes can reduce stress or buff stats of your heroes.

There are drops from the Collector which you also can find in secret rooms:

  • Barristan’s Head. Increases PROT and stress.
  • Dismas’s Head. Increases DMG and stress, decreases MAX HP.
  • Junia’s Head. Increases healing skills and stress.

Bone Royalty can drop Templing Goblet which increases MAX HP, SPD, DODGE and stress and decreases virtue chance.

Trinkets with ancestral rarity you can find during the game, especially after killing the Shambler. These trinkets and overpowered, but also increase stress.

Trophies appear only after boss fights. These trinkets apply cool buffs without penalties. Trophies will come back to your inventory after losing them.

If you lose 8 trinkets the Shrieker will appear. It is a mini-boss, which drops a strong item in addition to your lost ones. Each time you defeat the Shrieker you can acquire:

  • Callous Talon. Increases CRIT, diseases resist bleeding skill as well as stress.
  • Distended Crowseye. Increases ACC, diseases resist, a chance of scouting as well as stress.
  • Molted Tailfeather. Increases SPD, resistance to diseases and stuns as well as stress.
  • Molted Wingfeather. Increases DODGE, to diseases and moves as well as stress.

Special trinkets

You can find 3 special trinkets with unique conditions:

  • Two artifacts you can acquire only on PS4 or VITA. This category includes Stone of Patience and Stone of Endurance. The first item increases virtue chance and decreases stress while the second item increases Death Blow resist.
  • The third item you can get during the final mission. It decreases stress from Revelation and increases PROT from Revelation.

You also know about the Musketeer’s specific items which are similar to the Arbalest’s ones. Now you can choose from the variety of artifacts and increase your party’s efficiency!

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