How to make a furnace in terraria

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The first question you get once you hear the term furnace in Terraria. So how to make it? And firstly what exactly is it?

Roughly – it is a stone construction with a gap in the middle and fire burning inside. It’s a piece of equipment classified as a crafting station. The main use of it in Terraria is to transform ore in to bars and sand to glass. Just like real life. But there are some cons to the Furnace, it can’t smelt Admanatite and Hellstone. The latter must be smelted in a Hellforge. It can also serve other purposes – be a light source. To construct a Crafting station named Furnace, you’re going to need 20 stone blocks, 3 torches and 4 pieces of wood. Use them on a work bench to get a furnace. There are in total 55+ objects that you can create with the Furnace. A fun fact is that even when placed underwater completely – it still works perfectly. Magic, huh?

Since we’ve provided all of the necessary info on furnace making, it might seem right to end the guide, but actually it’s not. Making it is just one side of the medal, learning how to use a furnace in Terraria is also a question in need of answers. We have the answer here. Well it seems quite funny, but you only need to stand near it. The mechanic is exactly the same as a crafting station or a work bench. Stand near and open the tools tab.

That’s it – you’re set with furnaces in Terraria. Don’t forget that it is one of the most valuable items in the early parts of the game. But its value does not diminish, quite the opposite actually. You craft your upgrades there so utilize it to the max! Cheers.

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