Far Cry 4 buzzer locations

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Buzzers are a form of transport in Far Cry 4 that is kind of hard to explain. It is a flying vehicle that has great mobility, speed and agility. It can be used effectively to fly around Kyrat to move from one location to the other with greater ease and pace. The buzzers comprises of a seat, a handling stick and a motor that propels you and allows the Buzzer or the “Bad ass flying thingy” as the character Hurk refers to it. The plus of this vehicle in particular is that you can wield weapons while flying. Also a fun thing is that it can only be found on the ground, AI never fly with it. So don’t look out for them.

There are a handful locations that you can find the Buzzer in. To get to know them – watch the video below. Hope you’ve enjoyed and read more gamespedition to know Far Cry 4 inside and out.


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