What Video Games Have to Teach Us

They say that computer games teach only evil things — to shoot, kill, or steal cars, cause aggression, deviant behavior, and personal degradation. There are plenty of video game addiction essays that talk about all the disadvantages of this entertainment. But is it really that bad? Maybe games have a bright side and can teach us good things? Let's find out.

The overall impact of video games

Let's review the results of some experiments. They show that computer games not only do not cause damage to the brain but even help to develop such properties as multitasking, concentration, and others. In addition, the results clearly prove that games can not only not impair vision but even have a positive effect on its sharpness.

Despite common myths, video games not only do not cause degradation of thinking processes but also improve such indicators as flexibility, concentration, attention, memory, reaction rate, and non-trivial thinking.

In addition, there is an improvement in the ability to follow the environment. Active computer games are excellent for developing peripheral vision. This can be observed in tests with tracking multiple objects on the screen. Normal people are able to keep track of 3-4 objects. A person with a passion for video games can pass this test with 6-7 objects moving simultaneously.

In fact, computer game players have many different advantages in terms of attention. Attention and concentration become their strengths, even if they couldn't boast of it before. And these skills come in handy everywhere, whether you're driving, crossing the road, following people, or animals.

A new study suggests that real-time strategy games can significantly develop the ability to make quick decisions and actions and learn from past mistakes. This once again confirms the possibility of human cognitive development through video games. Many players have noted that it was no problem to immerse themselves just as much in their work as they did in the game. This undoubtedly increases the quality and speed of their work.

Skills to organize a large number of people, aimed at one result

Communication and leadership skills, in general, are amazingly pumped through games. But it is important to put effort into it. For example, playing World of Warcraft Classic, you need to organize 30 people, make them all contribute to the overall success, everyone has a role, there are real-time raids, and there is a long marathon training. These are project management and communication skills. If you play League of Legends, it's elementary to be toxic and yell at your team. And trying to negotiate with five random people, convince them to listen and hear you, to be constructive and supportive is a huge exercise in both skills and patience.

Foreign language and reaction speed

If you play in a foreign language, you begin to understand something. It's even easier to learn English from games than from TV shows. And when you spend a lot of time playing games that require you to make quick decisions or quick reflex reactions (racing, for example), you get better at reflexes.

Learning to lose

Today's games teach you how to lose. The most popular genre, which didn't exist ten years ago, is battle royale. They include Fortnite Battle Royale and PUBG. These are games in which one person out of 100 wins. It turns out you progress, but you lose all the time.


Games are more complicated than they used to be, with plots, unexpected twists and turns, and unusual denouements. And storytelling is an instrumental skill for everyone. The ability to tell and create stories helps in many careers.

Of course, we can't say that all games are equally useful. Different video games have various effects on the human brain, and to know for sure how this or that game changes the perception of reality. You need to do a separate scientific laboratory study on each of them. One thing is sure: video games are a powerful tool, and you have to learn how to use them correctly.

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