Command & Conquer: Red Alert (0)

Command & Conquer: Red Alert
First release date
PlayStation PC
Westwood Studios, Inc.
Electronic Arts Virgin Interactive Entertainment, Inc.
Command & Conquer: Red Alert Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer: Red Alert Command & Conquer


Command & Conquer: Red Alert is the second installment in the real-time strategy series Command & Conquer and was released in 1996. It is set in an alternate universe, depicting a fictional war of the Allied Forces with the Soviets, who invade Europe after World War II was prevented by Einsteins Chronosphere experiments.

As a classic RTS game, Red Alert features a Single Player Campaign, containing 15 missions each for the Allied and Soviet forces, and a fully functioning Multiplayer Mode for up to 8 players on small to large-sized custom maps. Along with the game itself, developer Westwood Studios published a tool called Westwood Chat to provide an opportunity for the players to meet in chat rooms and organize Multiplayer matches with an easy setup.

Beside its excellent gameplay and mission design, Red Alert was critically acclaimed for the authentic high-quality cutscenes, good acting performance and an exceptional soundtrack.


After his escape from the German regime in World War II, famous Albert Einstein moves to the US and starts experiments in a facility in Trinity, New Mexico. In 1946 he achieves a breakthrough on Chronosphere technology, which makes it possible to travel back and forth in time. With help from an unnamed assistant, Einstein goes back in time and removes Adolf Hitler from the timeline with a simple handshake after he was released from prison in 1924 in Landsberg. Einstein's plan to prevent World War II succeeds; but instead of Germany rising to power under the National Socialist Party, an industrialized and powerful Soviet Union with leader Stalin quickly becomes the red menace and main threat to the free world. Several European countries fall to Stalins troops and the Soviet war machine seems unstoppable; but even though the Allied Forces are outgunned, they are not outsmarted. After rescuing Einstein from his imprisonment in a small Soviet base, the Allies manage to slowly regain lost terrain and eventually get the chance to fight back and save Europe from the communist oppressors.


Allied Forces

Gunter von Esling

General Gunter von Esling is the supreme commander of the Allied troops. As an experienced general, he is very diplomatic, highly skilled in military tactics and determined to fight back the invasion of the Red Army with all might and main. Together with Stavros, Von Esling is usually also responsible for Allied mission briefings.

Nikos Stavros

Stavros is a Greek general and the second commander in the Allied ranks. He is filled with hatred against the Soviets and wants to crush Stalin and his fellowship as soon as possible. Stavros is good-natured and clever, but also is impatient sometimes and very sensitive regarding his military losses. His tips mostly are very useful and, if being considered, can facilitate many missions.

Tanya Adams

When elite units are needed, Tanya Adams is always good to go. Though she basically is a civilian mercenary, Gunter von Esling entrusts several missions to her due to Tanya's valuable qualities on the battlefield. As an excellent shooter she is making short shrift of ground troops and is also highly experienced with explosives, able to raze several military buildings within a short amount of time.

Albert Einstein

Einstein plays a very important role in the attempt of the Allies to destroy the Soviet supremacy. After he was rescued from a Soviet base in a special military operation, Einstein provides important scientific information about a secret Soviet project, called the "Iron Curtain". Allthough he always seems a little confused and absentminded, he is very appreaciated as the founder of the Chronosphere project, which gives Allied troops the tactical opportunity to teleport target units to distant locations.

Soviet Forces

Joseph Stalin

Stalin is the dictator of the Soviets and also the leader of the Red Army; after Hitlers death in Landsberg, no real rival emerged to compete with him for the struggle of suppremacy in Europe. Consequently he gained unprecedented power and was responsible for the Russian invasion in Europe. Focused solely on his plans to dominate all European nations, Stalin acts as a cold blooded ruler and also does not hesitate to chase down or eliminate any critics and traitors.


Gradenko is one of the main commanders under the leadership of Josef Stalin. He is known to be highly skilled regarding military tactics and made major contributions to the success of many Soviet operations in the Eurasian and East-European warzones. Nevertheless, his excentric and undiscerning attitude consequently lead to serious mistakes during the development of the Soviet "Iron Curtain" project and, among other things, to the escape of Albert Einstein from the Soviet Technology Centre. These failures are fueling his competition thoughts with Nadia and unfortunately menace to crumble Stalin's trust.

Nadia Zelenkov

As the head officer of the Soviet secret police Nadia, is portrayed as a pretty, but deceitful and cunning woman; always criticizing and reminding comrade Gradenko of his failures, she is willing to do everything to rise in the ranks of the Russian war machinery. Always following her shady plans, Nadia is also determined to seduce even the most resistant men, including Stalin - because sometimes, beauty is only skin deep.

Georgy Kukov

Kukov is a proud, self confident general, who is unquestionably one of the most loyal and compliant followers of the Russian regime. Always interested in a career boost, he is motivated to carry out his military duties and special tasks as effectively and efficiently as possible.


Kane, a bald-headed and serious-looking adviser of Stalin, sporadically appears in mission briefings; initially, his role in the Soviet apparatus remains unclear. It is never revealed which kind of information Kane passes on to Stalin but it seems he is interested in manipulation and subconscious guidance of the Russian leader.


In Red Alert, like in many other strategy games, it is required to spend ingame credits for construction of buildings, unit recruitment or repairs of damaged vehicles on the Service Depot. This credits can generally be earned by smelting Ore or by collecting Gemstones.

Ore is a very common resource and can be found troughout various regions and climatic zones near certain mines. Full Ore Trucks discharge their cargo at the Refineries where the Ore gets broken down in its principal components in a degradation process, isolating different kinds of pure minerals. Gems are much more scarce; they include sapphires, hessonites, rubies as well as emeralds and the value of one load is twice as high as the corresponding amount of Ore, making mining very worthwhile, even in dangerous areas.

Additional credits can be earned by collecting crates, which can be found at distinct locations or randomly spawn in Multiplayer matches.

Allied Ending

Following the destruction of the remaining Soviet forces, Allied soldiers find the Stalin buried in the rubble of the former Soviet stronghold. Before recovering Stalin, General Stavros stops them and convinces them to walk away. As the soldiers leave, Stavros stuffs a handkerchief down Stalins throat and places a boulder over his head, walking away with his revenge. This is the canon ending, leading to the events of .

Soviet Ending

The commander joins the Soviet leaders, celebrating their victory over the Allied forces in the newly conquered Buckingham Palace. After congratulating his comrades in a speech, Stalin suddenly starts choking, realizing that his tea has been poisoned by Nadia. Following Stalin's gruesome and slow death, Nadia states that the Brotherhood of NOD is now in command of the Soviet Union. Suddenly Kane appears and Nadia gets killed by a shot in the back, revealing Kane as the true leader and mastermind of NOD. This is a link to the central series, the struggle between Nod and the GDI.


Like the original Command & Conquer, Red Alert is scored by .

  1. Hell March (6:26)
  2. Radio (4:07)
  3. Crush (3:51)
  4. Roll Out (3:56)
  5. Mud (4:50)
  6. Twin Cannon (3:57)
  7. Face the Enemy (5:38)
  8. Run (5:15)
  9. Terminate (5:22)
  10. Big Foot (5:17)
  11. Workmen (4:46)
  12. Militant Force (1:52)
  13. Dense (5:00)
  14. Vector (4:17)
  15. Smash (4:35)

Open Source Recreations

The timeless pixelart graphics with the shortcomings sparked re-implementations of the original game engine by hobbyist fans such as . It adds support for high screen resolutions and adapts the graphical user interface to modern standards. Features like replay support and spectator mode as well as a re-balancing for strategic multiplayer matches make it attractive for competitive gaming. Lot's of inspiration are taken from successors e.g. unit movement lines from , new units such as a flak truck like the one in and capturable oil derricks that generate income over time like in . It also greatly enhances the capabilities compared to the original games which makes it interesting for the creative community.

Buildings & Units


Construction Yard
The Construction Yard is the heart of every base and is needed for proper construction of buildings; equipped with heavy armor, it is very durable but should be protected with excellent defense systems as in case of destruction of a CY no more buildings can be produced.

Power Plant
Power Plants are one of the most important elements in a base ; they supply all buildings with energy and ensure proper function and speed of unit production. If Power Plants get damaged, it is highly recommended to quickly repair them as their power output is directly proportional to their structural condition.

Advanced Power Plant
Advanced Power Plants perform and share the same functions as their smaller counterparts but are thought to mainly supply high-tech structures like Technology Centres, Anti-Air Guns or Gap Generators. These are much more power-intensive and therefore become inoperative if they are running out of energy, so Advanced Power Plants should always be kept in excellent condition.

Ore Refinery
This factory is required for storing and smelting down ore; in this process the ore is converted to in-game credits which can be used for unit and building production. Every Ore Refinery comes with a heavy-armored Ore Truck to harvest the Ore and transport it back to your base. The storage capacity of the Refinery is limited to ore worth 2000$, so Silos have to be built for higher amounts.

Ore Silo
Silos are needed when the Refinery can't hold any more ore. A Silo can store ore worth 1500$ and should be decently guarded as all credits are lost in case of destruction.

Tent Barracks
The Barracks provide a training ground for several light infantry units such as Rifle or Rocket Soldiers, Medics and Engineers. Additionally, in Multiplayer battles also special units like Tanya or Mechanics are available.

War Factory
War Factories, together with the Barracks, are the backbone of the supply line; they are used for the assembly of light and heavy military vehicles like Tanks, Rangers, Artillery or additional Ore Trucks.

Naval Yard
Allied naval units are deployed in the Naval Yard. Damaged gunboats, destroyers & cruisers also can be repaired at the docks, if necessary.

Helipads are required for the construction and maintenance of attack helicopters; despite every Helipad comes with an Apache, it's possible to produce additional helicopters which, however, have to be manually assigned for reloading ammunition if they don't have their own Helipad. Also, repairs of aircraft units have to be carried out on the Service Depot.

Pillowboxes are the basic Allied defense systems, protecting structures from enemy infantry attacks; they are armed with rapidly firing machine guns and can even handle groups of light armored ground units.

Camouflaged Pillbox
Camouflaged Pillboxes are more advanced versions of the classic Pillboxes; they fit in seamlessly with the natural conditions, making them hard to spot and to destroy due to their heavy armor.

Turrets are effective against all kind of vehicles and heavily armored units; they are harder to destroy than Pillboxes, have a powerful 105mm cannon and also a higher firing range.

Anti-Aircraft Gun
Anti-Aircraft Guns stand out due to their exceptional accuracy and high firing rate, which causes heavy damage or destruction of fighter aircrafts and helicopters when they get too close. Nevertheless, their attack range is relatively small, so enemy units have to fly past in close proximity for a successful attack. Anti-Aircraft Guns are energy-dependent, they will be shut down upon lack of power.

Service Depot
Damaged vehicles or aircraft units can be placed on the Service Depot and within a short amount of time they can be repaired to full health. As less credits have to be spent on a service than for buying a new unit, a full repair is consequently much more cost-efficient. Also Mine Layers can be reloaded and units can be sold when moved onto the Service Depot.

Radar Dome
After building a Radar Dome an overview of the map for revealed terrain becomes available, which is useful for detecting enemy units and spotting attacks early on. If there is not enough energy available or if Power Plants are in bad condition the Radar Dome will shut down temporarily.

Technology Center
Building a Tech Center requires a lot of energy, but advances the technology level and enables production of higher tier units like Cruisers, Mobile Gap Generators or Chronosphere Tanks. After construction has been completed, a GPS satellite will be launched to provide a complete overview for the whole map, completely removing fog of war.

Gap Generator
Stationary Gap Generators are generally used by the Allied forces for hiding their base and units under a black shroud; this makes it more difficult for the enemy to target certain structures as these are only vulnerable for attacks when an enemy unit enters the area around the Gap Generator.

Introduced and invented by Albert Einstein, the Chronosphere makes it possible to immediately teleport units to remote locations without any time delay. Nevertheless, this ability is temporary limited and the target unit will be returned to its point of origin when the effect runs out.

Fake Structures*
There are 4 Fake Structures available; Construction Yard, War Factory, Radar Dome, and Naval Yard can be build in Multiplayer matches to deceive the enemy by distracting them from the location of the actual base.

Sandbag Barrier
Sandbags are useful to stop infantry units like Rifle Infantry or Engineers from base infiltration operations; unfortunately Sandbags can easily be destroyed by Grenadiers or heavily-armored vehicles which just have to drive right through the barrier.

Concrete Barrier
It's always recommended to build Concrete Walls when they are available as these are more durable than Sandbags and need several hits by Tanks, V2 Rocket Launchers or Grenadiers before they colapse. Tracked vehicles also can't drive through and have to destroy them before.

Rifle Infantry
Standard Rifle Infantry units are mostly efficient against other infantry and can cope with light armored vehicles, when gathered in groups.

Medics are very welcome when someone is hurt in a fight; equipped with Medipacks they can heal up infantry units within a short amount of time. As they are unarmed, Medics require protection and never should be left alone on the battlefield.

Rocket Soldier
Compared to the usual infantry, the movement speed of Rocket Soldiers is quite low; but once they are in range, they're very effective against buildings and armored units like tanks. They are also not limited to ground combat and can attack helicopters or MIGs with their Dragon TOW rockets, playing an important role as a mobile Anti-Aircraft unit.

Spys are used to obtain information from enemy base structures by infiltrating various buildings like Ore Refineries, Silos, War Factories or Barracks; still they have to beware of Attack Dogs at all time as these are able to detect a Spy and uncover his true identity. Selecting infiltrated buildings displays units currently under construction (War Factories, Barracks etc.) or show current credits (Ore Refineries, Silos).

Engineers are able to capture low-health enemy buildings or instantly bring heavily-damaged buildings up to full health in their own base. With the lowest movement speed of all ground troops, they should always be protected by other units or transported in armored vehicles like APCs to reach their destination.

Thiefs are used to infiltrate facilities for Ore and credit storage. Once the thief has entered a Refinery or Silo he steals half of the stored credits and transfers them to the Allied account.

Tanya is classified as a mercenary elite special unit; she is unarmored, relatively ineffective against tanks or armored units but specialized in elimination of infantry and able to rapidly diminish hostile groups of soldiers. Tanya also has the ability to plant C4 explosives and tear down enemy structures within seconds.

AT Mine Layer
AT Mine Layers are very useful units against vehicles, especially tank armies. Running over these mines usually causes heavy damage and affected units can easily be destroyed with a few subsequent attacks. Once they are empty, Mine Layers can be reloaded on the Service Depot.

Ore Truck
A single Ore Truck belongs to the basic equipment of every Ore Refinery and is deployed after its construction; these trucks have heavy armor, are unarmed and transport the Ore or Gemstones from the fields to the Ore Refinery. Additional Ore Trucks can be deployed in the War Factory for faster mining.

Rangers are light armored 4x4's, which are well known for their good maneuverability in sloping and difficult terrain. They are equipped with a M-60 machine gun, therefore efficient against all kinds of infantry and also well suited for scouting missions.

Light Tank
Light Tanks are an essential backbone unit for the Allied army; due to their speed and medium armor, they are highly mobile and display their strengths in large and also smaller divisions, supported by infantry.

Armored Personnel Carriers are used for quick transport of infantry units. They can run over Sandbag barriers and are armed with an automatic machine gun to deal with troops and light armored enemy vehicles.

With their strong firepower and firing range, Artillery units support the army from afar and are able to heavily damage buildings and annihilate whole infantry divisions. Still, they only have light armor, move slowly and therefore are at the mercy of the enemy if no extra units are detached for protection.

Medium Tank
Equipped with a 105mm cannon, Medium Tanks have higher damage output than Light Tanks and are also more durable due to their heavy armor. This "Tank Upgrade" is well worth it and shows its strengths particularly in larger and mixed divisions with Light Tanks and Artillery.

Mobile Gap Generator
The mobile version of the Gap Generator serves the same purpose like the stationary one. The created shroud size is considerably smaller but still does the trick and hides all units or buildings from the enemy in close proximity.

With an MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle), it is possible to rebuild a Construction Yard if it gets destroyed by the enemy. Sometimes it is also a good idea to establish an additional base with an MCV and make it possible to aquire new Ore resources further away.

Transport Ship
For transportation of vehicles and infantry across the the sea Transport Ships can be build. These are relatively lightweight, have a decent ground speed and can be loaded or unloaded with up to 5 units at shore areas.

Gunboats are perfect for initial scouting, submarine detection and elimination. They should always be in motion to evade torpedoes as they only have light armor and are quite slow.

Destroyers are the most universal naval vessel, with their Stinger missiles they are able to attack aircraft as well as land-based units. Additionally they are quipped with 2 depth-charge launchers (Gunboats only have 1) to neutralize Submarines fast and efficiently.

As the strongest Allied unit on the battlefield, Cruisers are equipped with two powerful 8-inch artillery cannons which are able to tear down an enemy base within minutes. An extreme firing range and heavy armor makes even one Cruiser a serious threat. The movement speed and the missing depth-charge launchers are the only weaknesses, thus they need to be protected from Submarines by Gunboats & Destroyers.

Apache Longbow
Longbows are very durable, moderately fast and can stand quite a few shots, making them perfect for continually wearing down enemy base defenses with their missiles or attack support structures like Power Plants or Ore Refineries.

GPS Satellite
Upon complete construction of an Allied Tech Center, a countdown for GPS activation will be started automatically. After expiration a satellite is launched and the whole map will be revealed on the radar, without field of view limitations by the fog of war.

Sonar Pulse
When a Spy enters a Soviet Sub Pen, Sonar Pulse will be available; after activation all Sub Marine locations will be detected and visible on the map.


Construction Yard
The Construction Yard is the heart of every base and is needed for proper construction of buildings; equipped with heavy armor, it is very durable but should be protected with excellent defense systems as in case of destruction of a CY no more buildings can be produced.

Power Plant
Power Plants are one of the most important elements in a base ; they supply all buildings with energy and ensure proper function and speed of unit production. If Power Plants get damaged, it is highly recommended to quickly repair them as their power output is directly proportional to their structural condition.

Advanced Power Plant
Advanced Power Plants perform and share the same functions as their smaller counterparts but are thought to mainly supply high-tech structures like Technology Centres, Anti-Air Guns or Gap Generators. These are much more power-intensive and therefore become inoperative if they are running out of energy, so Advanced Power Plants should always be kept in excellent condition.

Ore Refinery
This factory is required for storing and smelting down ore; in this process the ore is converted to in-game credits which can be used for unit and building production. Every Ore Refinery comes with a heavy-armored Ore Truck to harvest the Ore and transport it back to your base. The storage capacity of the Refinery is limited to ore worth 2000$, so Silos have to be built for higher amounts.

Ore Silo
Silos are needed when the Refinery can't hold any more ore. A Silo can store ore worth 1500$ and should be decently guarded as all credits are lost in case of destruction.

The Barracks provide a training ground for several light infantry units such as Rifle Soldiers, Grenadiers, Flame Infantry or Engineers. Additionally, in Multiplayer battles also special units like Mechanics are available.

The Kennel is required for training and housing of Attack Dogs.

War Factory
War Factories, together with the Barracks, are the backbone of the supply line; they are used for the assembly of light and heavy military vehicles like Tanks, V2 Rocket Launchers or additional Ore Trucks.

Sub Pen
A Sub Pen is needed for production of Submarines & Transport boats. It is also possible to repair these naval units directly at the docks.

The Airfield allows construction of MIG and YAK planes, and allows access to Paratroopers, Parachute bombs, as well as Spy Planes. Only one plane is allowed per Airfield that has been constructed. If an in-use Airfield is destroyed while its associated plane is still in the air, the plane will crash.

On the Soviet side, Helipads are required for the construction and maintenance of Hind helicopters; again, it's also possible to produce additional helicopters which have to be manually assigned for reloading ammunition if they don't have their own Helipad. Damaged aircraft units can be repaired on the Service Depot.

Service Depot
Damaged vehicles or aircraft units can be placed on the Service Depot and within a short amount of time they are repaired and back to full health. As less credits have to be spent on a service than for buying a new unit a full repair is consequently much more cost-efficient. Also Mine Layers can be reloaded and units can be sold when moved onto the Service Depot.

Radar Dome
After building a Radar Dome an overview of the map for revealed terrain becomes available, which is useful for detecting enemy units and spotting attacks early on. If there is not enough energy available or if Power Plants are in bad condition the Radar Dome will shut down temporarily.

Technology Center
Building a Tech Center requires a lot of energy, but advances the technology level and enables production of higher tier units. Upon complete construction it is possible to build high-tech defense structures like Tesla Coils and powerful units like Mammoth Tanks.

Flame Tower
Heavy-armored Flame Towers are very effective against all kinds of ground units but especially infantry divisions; larger groups mostly don't stand a chance and are burnt to death within 2 or 3 fireball shots.

Tesla Coil
Tesla Coils unleash deadly bolts of lightning at enemy units when they are in range, shocking infantry to death and melting through vehicle steel within seconds. Unfortunately they can not attack aircraft units, so protection with SAM Sites is advised. Destruction of a single Power Plant can render them inoperative as they have an extraordinary high power consumption and will be powered down upon low energy levels.

SAM Site
SAM Sites are a durable base defense against Allied jets or helicopters. They fire long-range missiles and have a relatively high firing rate, making them very effective against slow aircraft.

Iron Curtain
The Iron Curtain was successfully developed as a secret project under leader Stalin; upon activation it is possible to render buildings or single units invulnerable for a short period of time.

Missile Silo
With the construction of a Missile Silo a timer will indicate the ongoing assembly of an atomic warhead; after expiration the missile is ready to be launched. Infantry units close to the point of impact will immediately be eliminated while structures and armored units will be heavily damaged and additionally suffer from radioactive fire.

Barbed-Wire Barrier
The Soviet counterpart to Allied Sandbags; the wire is cheap and reliable for holding back non-tracked vehicles and all kinds of infantry troops. Still, Rocket Soldiers can destroy it with a few shots and tanks easily break through by running over it.

Concrete Barrier
It's always recommended to build Concrete Walls when they are available as these are more durable than Barbed Wire. Armored vehicles like Allied tanks, APCs or Artilleries also can't drive through and have to destroy them beforehand.

Soviet units

Attack Dog
German sheperds are notorious for their strength and attentiveness; allthough they can be killed easily by machine gun-armed vehicles or units, these dogs can tear apart any infantry unit within seconds and is the only one who can reveal Spies.

Rifle Infantry
Standard Rifle Infantry units are mostly efficient against other infantry and can cope with light armored vehicles when gathered in groups.

Grenadiers may be slower than Riflemen but have a higher range and firepower. Caution is advised when Grenadiers are eliminated; their remaining grenades blow up and damage nearby units, this could setup a deadly chain reaction when they are gathered in groups!

Flame Infantry
These soldiers are specialized on burning down enemy structures and neutralizing slow ground troops; like Grenadiers, they should not stand too close to each other as the reserve tanks on their backs filled with flammable chemicals explode upon death.

Engineers are able to capture low-health enemy buildings or instantly bring heavily-damaged buildings up to full health in their own base. With the lowest movement speed of all ground troops they should always be protected by other units or transported in armored vehicles.

Ore Truck
A single Ore Truck belongs to the basic equipment of every Ore Refinery and is deployed after its construction; these trucks have heavy armor, are unarmed and transport the Ore from the fields to the Ore Refinery. Additional Ore Trucks can be deployed in the War Factory for faster mining.

Heavy Tank
The standard Heavy Tank of the Soviets is nearly twice as powerful as the Allied counterpart, the Medium Tank. With two 105mm cannons it can be considered a serious threat for every enemy vehicle or structure. Aside from a more expensive cost price, the high firepower of the two cannons also result in slower vehicle speed and firing rate.

AP Mine Layer
The Anti-Personnel Mine Layer can help to keep larger infantry divisions in check; like the Allied AP Mine Layer it can place 5 mines before it has to be reloaded on the Service Depot.

V2 Rocket Launcher
Equipped with long-range V2 rockets, this sweet piece is feared among its enemies; both stationary and slow moving units as well as buildings like Power Plants or Weapons Factories are primary targets as most of these can be destroyed with two or three shots. Nonetheless the V2 Rocket Launcher also has a very long reloading time, so it should be protected at all times.

Mobile Radar Jammer
The Mobile Radar Jammer (MRJ) is only available in Multiplayer Mode and can be used to disrupt and disturb enemy radar signals.

Mammoth Tank
Despite their lack of speed, Mammoth Tanks are the most powerful tank type available. By using their two 120mm cannons for attacks on vehicles or structures and short-range missiles against infantry and aircraft, even a small division of these giants can destroy an entire base within a short amount of time. Additionally, heavily damaged Mammoth Tanks will get slowly auto-repaired to half of their max health when they are not attacked.

With an MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle), it is possible to rebuild a Construction Yard if it gets destroyed by the enemy. Sometimes it is also a good idea to establish an additional base with an MCV and make it possible to aquire new Ore resources further away.

Transport Ship
For transportation of vehicles and infantry across the the sea Transport Ships can be build. These are relatively lightweight, have a decent ground speed and can be loaded or unloaded with up to 5 units at shore areas.

Aside from Transport Ships, Submarines are the only naval unit on the Soviet side; Submarine torpedoes have a high attack range, they can heavily damage or eliminate Allied Gunboats and Destroyers from far away before they even get close enough to return fire. Damaged Submarines tend to surface more often, making them more vulnerable for subsequent attacks.

YAKs appear to be a more advanced version of the famous "Red Baron", perfectly suited for fights against small and also larger infantry groups and light armored structures. Still, their low speed makes them vulnerable to Rocket Soldiers and Anti-Aircraft Guns.

Badger Bomber
Badger Bombers are used for transportation of paratroopers and parachute bombs to a target area.

Upon successful selection of a target location, five Paratroopers will be dropped by a Badger Bomber as a reinforcement.

Parachute Bombs
Allthough Parachute Bombs easily decimate or heavily damage mixed divisions of infantry and vehicles, targeting is pretty difficult and dropping of these bombs can be quite imprecise as they are scattered in a certain area.

Spy Planes
Spy Planes are responsible for recon flights to remove the fog of war and therefore provide great assistance with revealing parts of the map in periodic intervals.

Fast airspeed, high maneuverability and the uncontested firepower of their heat-seeking missiles made the MIG the most powerful unit of the Soviet aircraft fleet; a formation of several MIGs can destroy various structures or vehicles instantly, unless there are Anti-Aircraft nearby which can cause serious trouble.

Hind Helicopter
Hind Helicopters are very durable, but quite slow and unable to consistently attack moving targets. They are less effective than MIGs and show their strength only against infantry, unprotected structures and slow moving Artillery units.

Transport Helicopter*
Similar to APCs or Transport Boats, this helicopter can be used for transportation of up to 5 infantry units in Multiplayer Mode.