Rivalry (0)

First release date
Mac PC Browser Linux

Rivalry is a two player "pass and play" swordfighting game in which players take turns at moving their fighter's rag limbs and weapons using the mouse until one is victorious. The beginning stages of gameplay captures the strategic essence of swordplay but as damage accrues and limbs are paralysed or even severed, gameplay "turns very " becoming reminiscent of the Black Knight scene from the movie 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail'.

In 2013 at the age of 12, Kew McParlane came up with the idea for 'Rivalry' and started learning to program in earnest. His earliest effort 'Awesome Name Generator' still resides in the Apple and Google App store.

Early 2014, just before his 14th birthday, Kew launched a $2000 Kickstarter to get an 'Indie' stand at PAX Australia 2015. The Kickstarter was successful and three days before the start of PAX2015 'Rivalry' was put onto Steam Greenlight. At PAX 'Rivalry' was widely acclaimed to be a 'must see' with Kew's booth crowded with visitors.

In December 'Rivalry' was Greenlit by Valve for inclusion in the Steam game catalogue.