Alternate Worlds (0)

Alternate Worlds is a sandbox game made using the BYOND engine, where players can host their own servers. Using the features provided by the game, players can create a universe of their own or enable/disable different elements to better customise their own universe: overseeing what players can do and become.
Originally created by a BYOND user called Kaliba, who was the original creator of Shinobi Story Online and Star Wars: The Next Generation (under the alias Sillenium). Alternate Worlds was designed as an answer to the flooded popularity of roleplaying and anime games within the BYOND community.
Due to whatever reason, Kaliba was unable to continue the game and publicly released the source code for Alternate Worlds during it's early alpha phase hoping that someone else would continue the game. He later removed it after the game was picked up by Mask of Illusion and the development team Redlight Entertainment.
Now under new management but with similar goals and ideas, Alternate Worlds continues to expand and with the ability to publish games outside of BYOND, Alternate Worlds aims to refresh the popularity of 2D games and to release it to a much wider audience whilst attempting to bring players and developers to BYOND.