SoundSelf (0)

First release date
Mac PC Linux
Robin Arnott


SoundSelf is best described as an interactive music visualiser. Inspired by a group-ohm on LSD, Robin Arnott began the development of SoundSelf. saw Arnott use his experience as an audio designer to create a terrifying claustrophobic nightmare. However, SoundSelf is designed to induce a peaceful meditative state.


SoundSelf has been in development since early 2012, but a successful Kickstarter campaign in March of 2013 raised $36,766 for accellerated development towards a 2014 release and construction of a Deep-Playa installation at Burning Man, 2013.

Purchasing access to the current alpha of the game gets you an updated version of the game every few months or so. However, development of the 'main' game is currently paused at the moment for the creation for Samsung's Gear VR.


The game is 'played' by sustaining long tones with your voice. There is no keyboard or mouse interaction. The game's read-me informs you of the optimum conditions: "plug in your headphones and turn them up LOUD. Turn off the lights. Launch SoundSelf ... and let yourself fall in".

Behind-the-scenes processing of your voice and breathing patterns tailors the movements of the visualiser. Your voice is also filtered and pumped back to you through headphones, the loud chanting and complex visuals combine to create a truly immersive and genuinely multi-sensory experience.

By default, SoundSelf will run for about 30 minutes and then end. The game goes through a number of different styles of visualisations, each with their own accompanying audio theme.

SoundSelf supports Oculus Rift. A mobile version of the game for the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will support Samsung's Gear VR.


A preorder for the game is available on the for $15. Access to the current alpha build of SoundSelf is available for $30.

System Requirements

  • Windows (tested with 7 and 8), or Mac OS X (10.6+), Linux not yet supported (but it’s coming)
  • Intel i5 or better cpu
  • A decent graphics card
  • Headphones
  • Microphone (your webcam’s mic will do)
  • Oculus Rift (recommended, though technically not necessary. DK2 currently only supported on Windows)

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