Gangs of Space (0)
Gangs of Space is an indie MMO game developer by the 2-person team Little Big MMO. Development started in January 2012, and the game is currently in semi-public alpha as of October 2013.
Basic gameplay
Gangs of Space is fundamentally a multi-scrolling area shooter, like Geometry Wars. There are multiple kind of ships to play, each with a distinct gameplay:
- the standard Gemeter series are quick bullet-firing ships
- the Aurora series are slower but have a charged weapon mechanism
- the Astrolax series are support ships that give various effects around them
- the Abyss series are long-range snipers
- the Bahamut series are guided-missile launchers
- and possibly more to be discovered...
Contrary to many space simulators, the gameplay in Gangs of Space stays very arcade-based, with a direct control on movement and shots, and little-to-none inertia.
Hack'n Slashing
The ships can be equipped with various equipment. The main way of finding them is by destroying enemies of multiple factions:
- the Pirnats, which is a loose group of space pirates
- the Vermillon, which is a robotic race using mostly laser technologies
A Game of Gangs
What makes Gangs of Space a MMO is the strong emphasis put on Gangs, which are the local incarnation of guilds in typical MMOs. Gangs are limited to a small-ish number of players (currently 15 per Gang), but most of the advanced gameplay of the game is reserved to Gang players.