Conquer Online (0)

Conquer Online
First release date
Mac PC iPhone iPad

Conqeur Online is a free MMORPG set in ancient mythological China with a large focus on PvP. The player can choose from five classes to complete quests and pvp against other players. The game features a 2D rendition of China's ancient landscape with 3D characters. The player grinds through 120 levels before it is given the option to be "reborn". When the player chooses that option they start back over at level 15, but are granted extra abilities to assist in their grind.


  • Ninja - The faster class with the most devistating attacks. Although their health and defense is the lowest of all the other classes.
  • Monk - Brawler class that uses prayer beads to punch enemies in the face.
  • Pirate - Primarily melee class that employs the use of pistols to shoot their enemies from a distance.
  • Archer - Fast characters that can attack their enemies from a distance.
  • Taoist - This is the magic casting character. Taoists use the elements of water and fire to beat down their opponents.
  • Trojan - The melee brawler class, able to duel wield their weapons to crush the enemy.
  • Warrior - Another melee class, but this one can wear heavier armor allowing it to withstand longer battles. Though they dish out less damage.