Indygo (0)

Indygo is an atmospheric narrative game designed and illustrated by Fine Arts Academy Students, members of Pigmentum Game Studio, which focuses on the topic of depression.
The game takes place in one location only - a painter’s workshop. The protagonist Thomas Perry is a world known painter, adored by the critics and his girlfriend Anna, with whom he lives in a large suburban house. It is Anna, who is there for him when Thomas’s dark mood takes over.
When we meet the main character he hasn’t left his painting workshop for over three months. His only way of communication with the outer world are the letters which he exchanges with his girlfriend. Apart from the apparent isolation, one of the most significant signs of depression, Thomas suffers from a number of other debilitating symptoms.
The game is not entirely linear and Thomas’s fate is not sealed - it all depends on the decisions made during the game. How the story ends is entirely up to the player. Indygo is accompanied by a minimalist soundtrack which increases the gloomy, reflective atmosphere of the game.
Pigmentum Game Studio decided to address an important issue of depression and counteract the stigmatization which often follows the diagnosis. The creators’ goal was to raise the awareness of the mood disorder among those who feel they might be suffering from the illness, as well as the friends and families of those who do.
Indygo has recently come 3rd in The Big Indie Pitch at Game Industry Conference in Poznań and has been praised by the Polish Minister of Cultural and National Heritage for its social engagement.
- High quality handmade art
- Atmospheric minimalist soundtrack
- Story evolving at every, seemingly trivial decision
- Multiple endings depending on the decisions made by the player
- An ever-changing location, which reacts to the mental state of the painter