Titan Attacks! (0)

Titan Attacks!
First release date
Mac PlayStation Network (PS3) PC iPhone iPad Android Nintendo 3DS eShop PlayStation Network (Vita) PlayStation 4 Linux
Puppy Games Curve Digital
Puppy Games Curve Digital


The Gameplay of Titan Attacks! starts extremely reminiscent of Space Invaders, alien invaders move from side-to-side, UFOs that move across the top of the screen, etc. but as the game progresses more and more types of enemies get introduced with more elaborate attack patterns.

Each World lasts for 20 progressively difficult waves, before ending on a Mothership Battle, a more traditional shooter Boss Fight.

On top of those, there are bonus stages at the ends of some levels, these provide a shooting gallery of Holographic Alien Saucers to shoot, getting them all will nab you a bonus, like 2 extra shields.

The progression in the game is wave based and in-between each wave you have a chance to spend any money you may have on upgrading your Tank. (Tank upgrades will not persist between playthroughs, at least not in the way you'd think)

If you were to get to the Moon (the second World) the game records your best run, so the best score you've gotten on Earth will be your starting score on the Moon, and the upgrades you had on that run will be your starting upgrades (if you choose to start your next game from World 2) It's a novel way of doing it and makes losing late on in the game not feel like so much of a step back.

The way lives are dealt with in Titan Attacks! is through the Shields, you have a bar at the top of the screen representing your shields and every hit you take removes a segment of that bar, there are pickups that can increase the bar during a wave, and you can purchase segments in the Store between waves.

Also for sale are 'Add-ons' which add extra guns to the sides of your Tank that fire periodically with your main gun. There are also your standard damage upgrades and smartbombs, the 'Xtra Bullets' allow for more than one bullet to be on screen at the same time (starting from 1).

PC System Requirements

  • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7 / Mac OS 10.5.8 or better
  • Processor: 1GHz
  • Memory: 175MB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 40MB
  • Video Card: OpenGL Compatible Graphics Card