Overwatch Lucio tips

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This Brasilian rhythm loving man is a fan favorite. His universal abilities are great for the support role so prepare to see him a lot in Overwatch. Learn what he does by heart and then you can utilize this knowledge whether you’re playing with him or against him (that happens quite a lot). As a support, Lucio needs to stick close to his teammates, so he’s always in the middle of it. Shooting those notes at you and giving damage has the opposite effect to his teammates – increases health. Listen to what notes he play as changing them means his ability changed. For example a note change might mean that he is now buffing up teammates’ movement speed and etc. His ultimate is a Sound Barrier – a shield great for massive brawls and can create an edge on your side. Just use it wisely because it lasts for 6 seconds, so you must spend them properly.

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