5 tips to get better at Black Ops Cold War

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If you have dedicated your gaming time to the whole of COD then believe us when we say that you have committed your time to the best. Of course, the prime thing is to improve your gameplay by maximizing your game time. 

The Black Ops Cold War may not be a giant leap concerning gameplay or mechanics but it remains exciting, frantic, and fast. For all you new and returning players, who find COD extremely punishing and frustrating, we have some great tips for you in this blog. So, stay with us!


  • Learn the various maps 


Playing Black Ops Cold War involves playing with different maps. Thus you slowly begin learning many flanks, power positions, different spawns, and routes. If you get killed by the enemy from the exact spot, try the same spot next time you play the map. But, if you manage to surround that player and obtain the kill, be cautious of the same proves you sided from. 

Pay heed to the mini-map. Look at your teammates' location and where they are dying. Either, try another route or avoid that place and surprise the enemies. In case your team is spawning on the map’s one side, there are high chances that the enemies will spawn from the other end. Set up for countering the enemy’s push at all costs. 


  • Utilize the “meta” weapons 


Other players may throw in a lot of criticism at you for using the meta weapons. But, if you wish to improve your game, you cannot be using weapons that are disadvantageous to you. Getting killed time after time just because you use the wrong weapon will never help you advance. 

We say go for the burst-fire, FFR, and MP5 rifles and you will do well. After you are confident in doing well consistently, try testing with off-meta weapons. Who knows, you may discover your new favorite. 


  • There is no point rushing all the time!


According to the best CoD Cold War Cheat Providers, one of the biggest mistakes new players make is sprinting across the map and scurrying to every location. Such cases make the player super reactive and they end up making strategy-less moves. That in turn, makes the COD Black Ops cold War feels like it’s some trial- and process. But, COD offers a multiplayer experience that aims at rewarding those that follow a reflex-based style. 

Of course, that does not mean players have to constantly react to everything that's happening around them and play without any game plan. Sprinting over maps and relinquishing the enemies with SMG gunfire can be one of COD's best aspects, but that doesn't always have to be the case. 

You have to make some calculated decisions on certain maps without any rush. We recommend playing by thinking twice about the enemy spawning points. 


  • Utilize hip-fire 


COD Black Ops Cold War has certain weapons that offer stunning accuracy during hip-fires. We say connect an Ember Sighting point to your Assault Rifles to enhance the hip-fire accuracy. However, it is advisable to not use hip-fires on long ranges as they are perfect for getting good kills in the close ranges. 

The time to aim the sign down and then pull the trigger is too long especially when an enemy gets at a close range jumping at you. Using melee firing from your hip can make a huge difference to your performance. 


  • Play with bots going into custom games 


In COD the two most vital things are movement and aim. You need to hit shots but also have to be a tough hitting target for enemies. One of the best ways to improve your movement and aim is by playing with the bots in custom games. 

We say set a custom free-for-all game up with the bots. Set these games to the lowest level of difficulty and take the time limit and score away. They will rarely fire back, and you will get a stress-free location to practice to your heart’s content. 

Run all around the map by putting some music on and shoot bots from a radius of different positions and distances. Trust us you will find excellent improvements in your aims. Practice the jump shots and dodge in and out of cover against the bots. 


When playing COD you must never compare yourself to skilled players and content creators. Remember that they have put in many hours upon improving their shots hence they will anyways be better than average players. Overanalyzing your gameplay or picking at the minor mistakes can bog you down. Have fun and on days when you have had a bad game, just dismiss it from your mind. Hope you liked our blog but if there is anything you would like us to add, please let us know in the comments. 

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