Arcturus Proving Grounds (0)

Arcturus Proving Grounds


Arcturus Proving Grounds (APG) is a Free-to-Play multiplayer-only FPS that is in early alpha and currently holds open playtests on a weekly basis. The game is fast paced with a steep learning curve in a futuristic setting. The game employs many different intertwined systems that creates a verity of ways to play and a complex meta-game.


The following is just the broad strokes of the major systems at play.

Challenge System

  • Players can create challenges that include a type of challenge, quantity value, time limit, and optional conditions.
    • Example: Kill, 8 players, within 10 minutes, while taking double damage, with the sniper rifle
  • Up to 8 players may accept any challenge, 4 from each team
  • Up to 3 active challenges at a time
  • Completing a challenge give the winners credits and victory points (victory points determines which team wins)

Extraction System

  • When a player dies, there is a short duration when a player may extract the dead player's core.
  • When a player's core is extracted by an enemy, the player lose all weapon modifications, shop market access, and bounty.
  • The player that extracts the core gains access into the other teams market access and bounty (split with other players that also recently did damage to killed player).

Bounty System

  • Each kill increases bounty.
  • Bounty influences the glow of each character.
  • Players can place bounties on other players.
  • When a player extracts another player's core, they gain that player's bounty in credits and extracted player's bounty resets.

Shop System

  • Players may buy weapon modifications and accessories with credits as long as they have the appropriate market access.
  • Players can buy market access with credits or earn it by getting kills (gives access to your teams market) or extractions (gives access to your enemies market).
  • Players can have up to five accessories and each weapon can have one modification for its left click ability and one modification for its right click ability.
  • Accessories can be passive or active.