Rumpus (0)

First release date
Polyraptor Games
Polyraptor Games


Rumpus is a multiplayer platform action game developed by Polyraptor Games for the PC. The game’s free demo is available now on Windows, Mac, and Linux. The game will enter early access for purchase on Steam soon, having been greenlit in July 2016.

2-4 players get together to participate in a world-famous game show: Rumpus. Hosted by Mr. Rumpus, players play as zany celebrities versing each other to become the world champion and gain immortal fame. The game concludes by crowning the player who knocked the most opponents off platforms as champion.

Rumpus features a variety of game rules and modes that can be selected to switch up the game’s playstyle and aim.


To attack opponents in Rumpus, players must pick up items scattered around the game and throw them. The item can be charged for extra shot speed to push opponents a further distance, increasing the likelihood of them being knocked off a platform.

Asides from throwing items, players can also create a shockwave to reflect shots and fight in close-combat melee. There are walls that can be broken down that varies with each map, as well as sections of the floor that will crumble after extended use, forcing players to take into account these changes when perfecting their strategy.