Half-Life 2: Lost Coast (0)

Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
First release date
Mac PC Linux
Valve Corporation
Valve Corporation


This technical demonstration level shows off the new HDR lighting effect in the SOURCE engine, and introduces vertical combat to the Half-Life series. The level also comes with developer commentary detailing various aspects both technical and gameplay orientated, this proved a big hit and was included in future Valve titles.

Lost Coast begins with Gordon Freeman encountering an old fisherman. He asks Gordon to remove the Combine from their town, who have taken over a nearby Cathedral as an outpost. Gordon climbs the mountain and eliminates the Combine, thus ending the short journey that is Lost Coast.

Lost Coast was originally only available for people who owned Half-Life 2, but has later been made available to everyone with either an or graphics card. ATi users get Half-Life 2: Deathmatch in addition to Lost Coast, whereas Nvidia users get those plus Peggle Extreme and a demo of Portal, which has later been made available to everyone.