Elemental Combat (0)

Elemental Combat is an action Virtual Reality game developed and published by the German VR Company AVRLON for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rrift on 16.11.2017. Players have the control over the four elements: earth, fire, air and water and can cast powerful abilities with martial arts movements of their VR controllers.
Players can manipulate the elements to raise impenetrable barriers of earth or shoot a rapid sequence of fire balls from their fists. Each element has its own style with strengths and weaknesses.
The game takes place up high in the Chinese Wuling mountains. They are known for their beautiful, misty mountains and for the strange spire-like limestone rocks that pepper the forest.
What is the Elemental Tournament? It’s a competition and test to see who is suitable to train at Xiangbala.
The game features both a single-player mode and multiplayer battles. In the former, players can challenge increasingly difficult opponents in elemental duels, whereas in the latter, they can engage in fights against friends and other players both online and LAN.