Dynasty Warriors Online: Dance of the Divine General (0)

Dynasty Warriors Online: Dance of the Divine General
First release date
PlayStation 3 PC
Koei Co., Ltd.
Koei Co., Ltd. Aeria Games & Entertainment
Dynasty Warriors Musou
Dynasty Warriors Musou
Shin Sengoku Musou Online

Dynasty Warriors Online (or Dynasty Warriors Broadband as it was originally called) is an MMO produced by KOEI Company Limited and based on the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a Chinese historical novel acclaimed as one of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature.  The general concept seems to be a completely open free-for-all PvP world where characters gain EXP from killing each other.
How exactly this is going to work, or what other features will be included, remains to be seen.
KOEI has yet to announce a release date for Dynasty Warriors Online.