Cosmic Spacehead (0)

Cosmic Spacehead
First release date
Amiga Game Gear Genesis Sega Master System Nintendo Entertainment System PC
Codemasters Supersonic Software Ltd.

Cosmic (Linus) has just returned from planet Earth, unfortunatly no one on his home planet Linoleum believes his story about Earth, as a result he decides to return there, but this time he will take a camera in order to prove the existence of Earth. The game revolves around Cosmics attempts to acquire a camera and space ship in order to return to Earth, throughout the game the player must solve a series of puzzles in order to aquire new items, this in turn allows the player to furuther progress through the games story.  The game world is set in a number of differnt locations on the planet, in order to travel between these locations the player must complete a short platforming section, these follow tradiional platform mechinics of progressing from one side to the other, while avoiding enemies and pits of death.