Babysitter Bloodbath (0)

Babysitter Bloodbath
First release date
Mac PC
Pig Farmer Productions
Pig Farmer Productions


Babysitter Bloodbath is a horror game developed by for the . In the game, the player takes on the role of Sarah, a teenage babysitter in a scenario reminiscent of slasher films of the 1980s. After she's left alone in the house with the young boy Billy, she must watch over him until it's his bed time. Once Billy is put to bed, a boy Sarah calls comes by for what she hopes is a potentially passionate visit.

Soon after, however, strange things begin to occur outside, and it isn't long before Sarah finds herself pursued by a relentless homicidal maniac.


The game was originally developed as an unlicensed title based on the Halloween film franchise, complete with as the antagonist, until the developers were legally forced to make changes. The Halloween version was played by Giant Bomb staff member on the video series Spookin' with Scoops.