Age of Empires II forgotten units you should include in your strategy more

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There are many units to choose from in Age of Empires II, but we all have favorites, right? And thus one can sometimes forget about the rest of AoE II units that could be very useful in different strategies. I personally prefer having huge cavalry, but honestly, in some strategies horse riding is not the best option. Here are some units you may have forgotten or depreciated (or overlooked altogether, if you are new to AoE). However these can still be useful (very much so) in certain strategies, so you shouldn’t neglect them.

  1. Mangonel
  2. Hand Cannoneer
  3. Priests (I think I have a love-hate relationship with priests, they are extremely useful to have, but when an enemy brings one (or many, like usually happens) it makes me swear like an old mariner).
  4. Rams
  5. Champion Units

The video below explains the strategies how you could use each of the units effectively (and how you shouldn’t use them).

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