How to make a house in terraria

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The house in Terraria acts more than just a building. It’s your safehouse, your hideout and symbolizes everything safe and positive that there is in the Terraria’s universe. A house needs to be constructed by the player and it can represent your vision and be a marvel of engineering and creativity or just be a small shack with the basic necessities of safety and NPC storage intact.

How you build your house is completely up to you, but we have some Terraria house ideas that we want you to see and hear. Also, there are some hefty tips that are worth hearing and listening to. Certain requirements have to be met in order for the house to be able to land NPC’s.

Let’s start from the very basics, how to build a house in Terraria? That’s quite easy actually. As the house provides shelter for you and the NPC’s during nighttime and from any monsters the house can not only store the NPC, but also be a spawn point with a bed placed in the space occupied. There are a total of 23 NPCs in the game so you’re either going to need that many houses or that many rooms that fit these requirements to store them. So first of all, choose the appropriate location. For your first home, this should be somewhere even and safe so you shouldn’t worry too much about threats. Having one near a forest is a good idea. To make one just place wooden walls, a wooden door and fill the background with walls as it is the only true way to separate the house from just a walled area. Some furniture to top it all off and you have your own piece of calmness and wonders in Terraria.

There are certain requirements for the room to be able house NPCs. For example there can’t be any gaps in the construction, they can’t intertwine and have to be separated. Including the ceiling floors and walls the housing should be at least (width:height) 8x8; 10x6; 9x7; 12x5 … More than 60 blocks. It can’t be more than 750 in area coverage, though. The customizability comes in play once we start to talk about furniture. These were the tips and guides for “housus simplicus” Terraria simple house which doesn’t require a lot of creativity and ingenuity.

But let’s talk about creative Terraria house designs and ideas for your Terraria home. You can find these online, but we’ll highlight a few right here to give you a look at what other players are doing.

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