Firewatch endings

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It’s Firewatch and if you have read anything about the game, you know that it has a weird ending… Multiple endings actually. Yes, there are more than one ending in Firewatch. SPOILER ALERT! If you’re looking a short overview on the story, check out our Firewatch review.

Why is the ending controversial?

There have been some games that seem to do everything right story-wise, but fail at the end miserably. It would be wrong to consider Firewatch a member of this category, because while the ending isn’t very great, it is not one that ruins the world or creates global starvation…

The main concerns that every player and critic has, is that Firewatch has the ending it wasn’t building up to. For a game which is story-heavy, well there is only the story, nothing else, the details and script should be impeccable, but the ending seems just plopped right on top of the written script. It’s sort of like hyping up a friend or your kid with a great present, telling how it will make their holidays and else and in the end give them a pair of socks… It doesn’t work like this.

So what really happens?

To begin with, Firewatch has multiple endings. Here’s what goes down. Towards the end of the game, Henry finds out he’s being followed and his equipment and workplace are being tampered with. You’re led to believe that a group of mischievous teens cause these problems, but that’s far from reality. Then you uncover a secret that someone in the park seems to be hiding and preventing Henry from finding out. He begins to become sort of paranoid, but it’s all for a reason as he finds Brian Goodwin’s body in a cave. You find out that the kid was a son of an another Firewatch character Ned Goodwin, a lookout man also. Delilah seems to know about this, yet hide it from Henry, seemingly knowing about Ned’s whereabouts (he’s encountered during the game) and hiding them from Henry, feeling like she’s protecting herself, Ned and most importantly - Henry.

Firewatch multiple endings

You can wait in the tower for a long period of time for the helicopter to appear. Besides the regular ending. But all things considered, Firewatch ending just shows a glimpse at the reality of the human nature. People tend to hide things and trust is a very hard thing to reach between to people. Watch the video below to see the ending first-hand!

Published in Firewatch gameplay

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