How to Save Kate in Life is Strange

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Saving Kate in Life is Strange is one of the side goals for many. But she’s deep into her wish to jump and die, so you have to say all the right things in order to get her to come down with Max.

Kate seems like a nice person in this twisted Life is Strange world, and if you want to save that nice person, you will have to persuade her that life is worth living.

But first things first. You do a lot of rewinding until you get the time to freeze and thus are able to reach Kate on the rooftop before she jumps. Once up there, everything comes down to talking and saying the right things in order to discourage Kate from killing herself. Here’s a list of what Max should say to save Kate from jumping. Saying these lines will persuade Kate that she indeed has a friend who cares for her and who wants to help her. So here are your dialogue options that you have to choose in order:

  • You matter.
  • And not just to me.
  • You’re my friend.
  • You were drugged.
  • Be strong.
  • Your sisters.

In order to all this take effect you should have answered Kate’s call and stood up to David when he was bulling her, of course. And erased the video link that you’ve found in the showers. If you’ve done all this Max will have a way to back up the idea that she cares about Kate and you will be able to save her.

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