Warframe Bosses

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In video games, bosses are the strongest enemies or a leader of a certain enemy class. In Warframe it’s no exception. Bosses can be distinguished by their size, better weaponry, they’re in general harder to defeat and use strategy rather than just brute attacks like their minions. More or less they require a larger degree of skill in order to successfully defeat them.

There are 4 categories of bosses. 3 Assassination bosses: Grineer type, Corpus and Infested. And much more rare bosses that hunt the players and appear largely at random – Field Bosses. The total number is 25 so the variety is great. We’ll look over one boss from each class to give you a small taste of what they’re about. Let’s begin.

Grineer – the enemies that you encounter first in the game. Don’t underestimate them, they’re clones of humans produced with great numbers, these bastards are going to cause you trouble.

The boss: Tyl Regor

Tyl Regor

One of six Grineer Bosses – Tyl Regor is the final boss of the Uranus system and in his life is trying to retrace the paths of cloning and reduce negative effects of it. Mission: Titania. Once you defeat him you get a blueprint of one of these: Night Aspect, Day Aspect, Day Neuroptics, Day Chassis, Day Systems, Night Neuroptics, Night Chassis, or Night Systems of the Equinox Warframe. His lore lies around cloning and research – almost a mad scientist type. This boss is extremely fast, uses tons of melee, can teleport and hit you with combos. He can be immobilized though, so utilize this.

Corpus – a union of creatures that strive and fight under the same flag for the same goal – get all of the Warframes and Orokin technologies. They’re very advanced with their technology and are a very capable enemy.

The boss: The Sergeant

The Sergeant

Formerly known as Sgt. Nef Anyo – he is the last boss of the Phobos (Mars) system. The mission Iliad is his location and if you manage to defeat him – Mag Neuroptics, Chassis or Systems blueprint is yours for the taking. As every boss he has unique taunts: That (Warframe) would look great hanging on my wall." or "In pods you have come, In caskets you will go!". As Tyl Regor he sadly doesn’t drop any rare mods.

Infested – Corpus and Grineer soldiers that have “Infestation” a Orokin plague. Corpus Crewmen and Grineer Lancers form the majority of these.

The Boss: Jordas Golem

Jordas Golem

This monstrosity is the boss of bosses in the Infested ranks. He uses strong weapons and armor as his strengths. Jordas Golem can be located in the separate Assassination on Eris after you’ve complete the Jordas Precept Quest. While fighting, Jordas protects his weak spots by moving frequently. His weaknesses are the engines, where there’s no infestation. Damage is done from the back or the sides and from a low angle to be the most effective.

Field bosses

The boss: Ven’kra Tel

Ven’kra Tel

Special Grineer field boss that is found in Orokin Sabotage missions where Grineer’s are the most common enemy. She guard the Void Key for the Void Portal, uses a jetpack and has other special abilities that make her very hard to defeat. Excellent movement, can knock you down by doing attacks from mid-air. Her weakness is coordination after landing, you have a few moments to rally up.

So, this is a list of just a few bosses, but you get the idea. They’re all very powerful yet not unbeatable. You just need to have the know-how and you’re set.

Published in Warframe - others

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