Overwatch abilities

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Abilities are the special skills of heroes in Overwatch. Every hero has some abilities and they are unique to him, no other character has the same set of powers. Used by pressing the right keys, abilities are used a lot to damage opponents, help teammates and change the momentum of the whole game. The character’s power really depends on his abilities and whether they’re available on demand. A good tank character for example, should have a shield or some sort of preventive measures that defend him and his teammates from attacks and help move the front line, supports should heal and buff, defense heroes should be equipped with long range harass tools or turrets – all in all defending the objectives or points, while offensive heroes should possess abilities which increase damage output or mobility.

There are some types of abilities. Although classified unofficially, you can see for yourselves, what kind of an ability a hero might possess. Learning the abilities of every hero is a nice plus for you because you might know what to expect.

  • Ranged: affect happens from a distance
  • Melee: short range effects after a melee attack
  • Movement: abilities that give the hero another means of transportation to other places. Exclude walking.
  • Area effect: these affect all enemies in a certain radius
  • Healing: usually support players have these and they restore health and improve your team’s fighting condition or a certain player’s.
  • Barrier: create barriers or shields
  • Crowd control: just what it sounds like, prevention or disruption of ability use or mobility for the whole opponent crowd.
  • Buff: add a certain boost to your teammates, vice versa for the opponents.

So this is a short description of the abilities that you might encounter in Overwatch. Learn the types to better understand how to protect yourselves and your teammates and stay cool!

Published in Overwatch - others

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