BioShock Infinite walkthrough

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One of the most thrilling games of its generation – BioShock Infinite puts your character – Booker Dewitt in the midst of an unexplainable events that occur in the floating/flying/gliding sky city of Colombia. It’s filled with oppressive propaganda, war machines ready to kill you and other obstacles that will try to slow your progress. But it is our duty to help you out in passing these challenges with flying colors. There are in total of 40 locations, 140+ collectibles, thousands of enemies and millions of possibilities to play it all out. Doesn’t matter whether you’re stuck in the Factory’s courtyard or just want to see how you could’ve played a particular situation in the Hangar Deck differently, check out the video playlist of BioShock Infinite’s walkthrough below. It is going to answer all of your questions about the magnificent world of Colombia. Beat Comstock and his followers and rid the Colombian society from evil!


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