Games of Glory (0)

Games of Glory
First release date
PC PlayStation 4
Lightbulb Crew
Lightbulb Crew


Games of Glory is a free-to-play MOBA-crossover developed by Lightbulb Crew. The game is currently in a closed alpha phase.


In the futuristic galactic empire of the Synarchy, the Games of Glory are the only sport that matters. The Synarch, supreme ruler of the universe, uses these arena battles are used to entertain the masses and settle conflicts. Players take on the role of a Clone Controller, controlling from a distance the Clone of a famous fighter from the Synarchy's history.


Games of Glory has an arsenal of more than 40 different weapons, each with their own gameplay characteristics. Weapons can loosely be grouped into the categories of pistols, rifles, snipers, shotguns, rocket launchers, and melee. A Clone can carry up to two weapons at once. Weapons can be exchanged and upgraded freely at any point in the match by returning to the spawn platform and accessing the ingame shop.

Each Clone is equipped with four skills that can be leveled up as the game progresses.

There are three types of damage in the game, Energetic, Physical, and True. Each has their own dedication protection and enhancement items. Clones can also improve the power of their skills through the Skill Effects characteristics.

Unlike many other MOBAs, there are no-auto attacks in Games of Glory. All weapons are free-aiming.

Game Modes

Arkashan Arena - Capture the Points (5v5)

Players must work with their teammates to capture points by standing on them. Capturing the three central points helps to lower the opposing team's forcefield; capturing the others gives the team additional Credits and visibility. Once the opponents forcefield has reached 0, teams can storm the opponents base and destroy their energy core to win the game. A match typically lasts about 15-20 minutes.

Svandia's Foundry - Superstar (3v3)

This game mode is played in a series of 1 minute rounds. Prior to each round, players have a 30 second preparation phase, during which they can purchase weapons and items. One player on each team is designated as that team's "superstar". The objective is to kill the opposing team's Superstar while protecting one's own. If a Superstar is killed, that team automatically wins the round. If neither Superstar has been killed when the timer runs out, the team who's Superstar is closest to the central point on the map wins the round. The first team to win a total of 5 rounds wins the game. Matches typically last about 8-15 minutes.

Factions & Clones

Clones are grouped into factions, based on the interests they represent when they fight in the arena. They are also categorized into classes (Tank, Carry, Assassin, Support), depending on

9 Clones have currently been released, and 3 more have been announced for release in the near future. Additional clones will continue to be released on a regular basis.

Guards of the Synarchy

  • Ragnar (Tank)
  • Byorn (Support)
  • Thror (Carry)
  • Grendel (Assassin) [Unreleased clone]
  • Saga (Unknown) [Unreleased clone]

Khain Corp

  • Jorndyr (Support/Tank)
  • Molly (Scout)


  • Koinchura (Assassin)
  • Grejan (Support) [Unreleased clone]


  • Deadball (Tank)
  • Pinto (Carry)


  • Xeruud (Assassin)